What is Homeopathy?

Applying the laws of nature

Homeopathy is an art and a science of healing, a vibratory and frequential therapy that has been practiced for 200 years.  Its principles have been mentioned as early as in Antiquity, but it was in the 18th century that the German physician, chemist, writer and translator Samuel Hahnemann rediscovered, experimented and devoted his life to this new art of healing.

Over his years of experiments, he found that the physical manifestation that we call "disease" is in fact only one symptom among others of a larger disease, upstream of the physical manifestation, consisting of disruption of the balance in the flow of life energy (or in other words, information, or as Hahnemann called it, "life force", or "chi" as per traditional Chinese medicine) , resulting in a change in the physical, emotional, mental and psychic manifestations usually observed in the same healthy individual.


The infinitesimal has an unsuspected healing power


One of the laws recorded by Samuel Hahnemann states that there is only a similar vibration but of greater frequency which can amalgamate and cancel the vibratory frequency of the sick individual. The work of the homeopath is therefore to find the artificial vibratory frequency which most closely resembles the general table of signs and symptoms presented by the "sick" individual and to administer it at the appropriate dose and frequency or, in other words, what is called the simillimum, and thus stimulate the person's self-healing potentia.

At the vibratory scale

How does this vibratory frequency, or simillimum, present? By the successive dilutions and succussions of mineral, plant or animal substances, the vibratory signature of the substance is imprinted in the solvent (water). The more successive dilutions and succussions are applied, the more powerful the vibratory frequency will be. A substance which could, in a ponderal form, cause harm or disturbance in a healthy person, will cancel this same disturbance presented by a sick person, as long as the vibratory frequency is higher. For practical reasons, granules of sugar are sprayed with the homeopathic preparation, which one just needs to let melt under the tongue or dissolve in water.  The remedy can also be in the form of drops.

What happens during a Homeopathy consultation?

A homeopathy consultation lasts about an hour, a little longer on the first visit.

The homeopath will not only ask you many questions about the reasons for your consultation and the nature of your discomfort, but also on several other signs and symptoms that may seem unrelated to your problem. These may include questions such as: what were the conditions of onset, when, what worsens and improves it, how is appetite, sleep, dreams, emotional state etc., with the sole purpose of getting as precise an idea as possible of the general picture of one’s physical, psychic, mental and emotional manifestations that have settled in since the state of ill-being, and without analyzing them.  The homeopath will then prescribe a homeopathic substance in the form of granules to melt under the tongue or to dilute in water.


One should not be surprised by the Latin nomenclature; homeopathic remedies being produced from already existing substances whose name cannot be changed, the Latin nomenclature makes it possible to identify the same substance on a worldwide scale.

What Homeopathy is not

Make the distinction

It should be noted that homeopathy is not a diagnostic medicine.  Under no circumstance will the homeopath make a diagnosis of disease as described by allopathic medicine. Homeopathy never addresses and never treats a specific disease as described and diagnosed by allopathic medicine, but is rather a global therapy that mobilizes and stimulates the vital force in order to return to a state of balance, therefore health.

The homeopathic remedy being a strongly diluted and potentized substance, does not act at a biochemical or molecular level. The nature of its action is strictly vibratory, therefore informational, just as a sound wave or a light wave transmits information to the nervous system and induces physiological, mental or emotional reactions, without any molecular absorption. The remedy can therefore be taken at the same time as an allopathic remedy without fear of interaction or harmful side effects.

*Important: Under no circumstances is the homeopath empowered or authorized to recommend starting, continuing or discontinuing any allopathic medical treatment, prescription drug or pharmaceutical product or treatment. In no case is the homeopath qualified or authorized to give advice on any allopathic medical treatment, prescription drug or pharmaceutical product or treatment as this is strictly the responsibility of the allopathic doctor or pharmacist and can, in no way, be discussed with the homeopath. The work of the homeopath is limited to finding and prescribing the homeopathic simillimum.

Science and research

Many scientific publications on the mechanisms and applications of homeopathy around the world are regularly published.


For quality information on the practice of homeopathy in Quebec and on research in homeopathy, please consult the following sites.