About Anne-Marie


Anne-Marie Labonté


Institut supérieur d'homéopathie

École d'homéopathie classique


Anne-Marie graduated from the Institut supérieur d’homéopathie in January 2011. She compelted her program in Montreal, under the teaching of Dr. Michel Kaminski, M.D. and homeopath. The teaching of this institute is based on the foundations of the French lineage of Zissu, with the inclusion of pluralism and complexism, while relying on the unicist foundations of classical homeopathy.   Anne-Marie also followed additional training focusing exclusively on the study of the Organon and Repertory at l’École d’Homéopathie Classique, directed by Ms. Sylvie Gendre (http://www.ecolehomeo.com/Bienvenue/index.php?lang=fr ).


From a very young age, Anne-Marie has always been drawn towards parallel healthcare techniques, using them for herself.  She also holds a Bachelor of Arts in Languages ​​and a Certificate in Translation from the University of Montreal. The circumstances of life, however, soon led her to work in medical and hospital settings, where she was in turn a medical secretary and a medical transcriptionist in several clinics and hospital laboratories, whilst studying to fulfill her calling for complementary health care.  She obtained a diploma in naturotherapy from the Collège de Médecines Douces du Québec in 2004 ( https://cmdq.com/ ), and also completed a program at the Institut d’Aromathérapie Scientifique, under the teaching of Mr. Maurice Nicole and Ms. Stéphanie Plamondon ( https://aromascientifique.com/ ). The last chapters of her naturotherapy program relating to homeopathy immediately instilled a passion for it, and it was at this point that she decided to undertake a comprehensive homeopathy program, which began in September 2006 and completed in January 2011.


Following the completion of her program, Anne-Marie participated in an observation internship in Cuba, where homeopathy is an integral part of the healthcare system, through a mission undertaken by Homeopaths of Earth without Borders (HTSF Canada).  She also did another case-taking observation internship in Morocco, in November 2019, as part of a case study program at the Centre Homéopathique du Québec, under the supervision of the internationally renowned homeopath Jean Lacombe (http://www.chquebec.com/fr/ ).

Anne-Marie's life path has led her to evolve in different environments from one another and therefore develop an attitude of openness and non-judgment towards a person on their journey to health recovery.  She puts at your disposal her knowledge and experience through a simple and humane approach, aiming above all the relief and improvement of wellbeing and general state of health.


I am looking forward to meeting you and homeopathically accompanying you on your journey tp health!”

- Anne-Marie Labonté, Certified Homeopath